
Tim Miller's Deadpool is one of the more delightful comic surprises of the past year. From the opening titles, the movie signals to the audience that it is more of a sendup of the comic book hero genre than another attempt to inflate such a tale into a myth. As the third and fourth walls of the medium are dispensed with, Ryan Reynolds utters sardonic asides that serve as commentaries on the proceedings. Reynolds exhibits more personality and fun than heretofore, even with his mask on. 

Mr. Miller is a first time director and it is a little difficult to gauge how much credit he is due for this genuinely funny comedy. He does seem to handle actors nicely. Morena Baccarin and TJ Miller provide able support as Deadpool's squeeze and best bud, relatively straightforward genre roles that provide a warm counterpoint to Reynold's ADD corrosiveness. The writing team of Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick scripted Zombieland, another successful mixture of comic narration and genre tropes. Whether Mr. Miller is a one hit wonder or not, it is the screenwriters who deserve the most credit for Deadpool's zingers and disses. (12/2/16)

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