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Anders Danielsen Lie |
Oslo August 31st
Aftersun, Return to Seoul
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Paul Mescal |
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Willem Dafoe surveys the interior with a Maurizio Cattelan print in the background |
The Lost King
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Sally Hawkins and Harry Lloyd in The Lost King |
Black Mass
Scott Cooper's Black Mass is a fairly routine crime saga detailing the career of Whitey Bulger. Johnny Depp, as he was in Michael Mann's Public Enemies, is miscast as a psychopathic tough guy, but manages a relatively convincing performance. The supporting cast, especially Benedict Cumberbatch and Peter Sarsgaard, are more than adequate under Cooper's restrained direction, but the script fails to flesh out Bulger's criminal enterprises and the film lacks dynamism. This is a fascinating true life story, but is rendered wanly here. Indicative of the film's timid reach is the vague portrait of Bulger's relationship with his brother, who was President of the Massachusetts Senate while Whitey was the crime lord of South Boston. An OK flick, but, given the material, it should have been a much richer film. (11/21/16)
The Milky Way
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Alain Curry in The Milky Way |
Wham!, Listening to Kenny G
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Wham! |
Despite their status as heartthrobs, Wham's music was solidly constructed pop and earned grudging respect from the critics of the time, something that can't be said of the man and music phenomenon known as Kenny G. The smooth jazz saxophonist, whose popularity crested in the late 80s and early 90s, not only elicited brickbats from the critics throughout his career, but also drew barbs from more respected musicians such as Pat Metheny and Richard Thompson. Penny Lane's Listening to Kenny G, streaming on Max, not only chronicles his career as musician, but also wrestles with the adoration and revulsion his music inspired. Credit goes to Mr. G for cooperating with Ms. Lane, but also to Ms. Lane for not responding to the project with total irony and giving screen time to both those who love and hate Kenny G's music. Certainly there are ironic touches, how could there not be given the subject, but Ms. Lane tries to be even handed throughout. This yields rewards as we not only get to see Kenny meticulously constructing one of his musical atrocities, but also Clive Davis pretty much admitting that payola helped grease the wheels of his protege's success. I value Wham's music more than Kenny G's, but Ms. Lane's profile of her subject is the more searching film.
Stuart Gordon's Stuck is a thoughtful B picture from 2007, if one can suspend disbelief at its outrageous premise. Stephen Rea plays Thomas Bardo, a newly homeless denizen of a anonymous, mid-sized urban center. While groggily navigating the town's streets he is hit and wedged into the window of a car by a lit and harried nurse named Brandi. The nurse, played by Mena Suvari, drives to her garage where she discovers to her growing horror that the man she hit is alive and stuck in her windshield. She enlists her drug dealing boyfriend Rashid, well played by Russell Hornsby, to help dispose of her problem, but Bardo does not go quietly.
The title refers to the basic premise of the film, but also to its subtext. Thomas and Brandi are stuck in life by an economically deterministic system that provides little in the way of true choice. Three times, before the collision, Thomas is given a choice that is no choice, merely the best deal he can get from those who wield power over him. Brandi has a host of unpleasant chores at the assisted living facility, but must hew to the course set by management even if means working Saturdays. They are both trapped by circumstances in a number of ways.
All of this would seem like overload for a 82 minute exploitation film, but Gordon does wonders with his two leads, giving their plights an extra dollop of desperation. The hangdog Rea is ideally cast as one of life's victims. He is more than up to the demands of the body horror and action sections of the film. The surprise is Suvari who had a brief vogue after embodying an object of desire in American Beauty. She has never made much of an impression on me, how could one in films as execrable as the American Pie series, but Gordon unveils heretofore unseen acting chops. An unadorned performance of a woman overcome by events.
The film climaxes in a series of explosive spasms with violence begetting violence. This is according to the Old Testament dictates of the genre, but I was impressed throughout by how well Gordon integrated his artier aspects within the film's exploitation tropes. One of the dictates of the exploitation genre, often required specifically by the producer, is female nudity. When Brandi and Rashid make love, the obvious reason in terms of the film's production is to show off Ms. Suvari's charms. However, Gordon provides Brandi a motivation which unsettles the rote nature of the scene. Brandi is schtupping Rashid to please him and soften him up so that Rashid will be more willing to dispose of her problem, Thomas. It is more an act of manipulation rather than love and the notion is planted that the same could be said of the film as well.
Gordon worked at the fringes of the industry for decades churning out a disproportionate number of solid B Films. Stuck, his final feature, shares many of the same attributes and limitations as his other urban decay flicks of the 21st Century, obscure titles like Edmond and King of the Ants. Those ignorant of his filmography are urged to seek out earlier triumphs such as Re-Animator, From Beyond, Dolls, and Fortress. Gordon was more technically accomplished, imaginative, and vital than most A directors of his era. He is missed, but most of his pictures I have cited, including Stuck, are available to stream on Tubi.
The Neon Demon
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Elle Fanning in The Neon Demon |
Kyle Edward Ball's Skinamarink has been hailed as this decade's The Blair Witch Project, but, you can't fool me, Skinamarink is an art film rather than a horror film and all the better for it. The plot, like the cinematography, is murky at best, but Mr. Ball's use of negative space gives the film a palpable feeling of claustrophobia. Some sort of foreign entity is bedeviling the lives of a young couple and their four year old son (and there seem to be other domestic inhabitants of some kind). The film is entirely within the confines of their home. Portals and items in the house disappear and then reappear. Mom has been zombified and Dad is conspicuous in his absence. The film is not dynamic enough to be terrifying, but gives off the uncanny sense of unease found in other sick house horror works like The Fall of the House of Usher and The Shining.
Set in 1995, Skinamarink has a purposefully distressed look to it. Video snow is a feature of the film just as it was with the scrambled broadcast feeds of UHF channels during my childhood. This fits in with the film's theme of obfuscation. Point of view is scrambled and unclear in Skinamarink and one's bearings are lost within the labyrinth of the house (or houses). Some of this is done to disguise the ultra low budget nature of the film, but it also reflects the helplessness of a young protagonist without a proper frame of reference.
A number of video screens appear during the course of the film adding to a sense of apprehension. Public domain cartoons sometimes play on the television, ironically commenting on the vulnerability of the house's inhabitants. Sometimes the screens project an artificial and piercing white light. There is no natural light in the film, no light from windows or skylights. This heightens our sense of the house being a monstrous cage with no access to the outer world. The house seems controlled by forces beyond the ken of its inhabitants.
I stress that the film is an art film rather than a horror film because I think it will bore most fans of commercial horror films. There are no jump scares and no sense of narrative drive or character development. The film has its longueurs and could have been cut by twenty minutes or so to no ill effect. The camera focuses on walls, ceilings, furniture, and Legos rather than on human beings. Yet, Skinamarink excited me more than any first feature has in some time. Like a lot of avant-garde directors, Ball is a little too enamored with banality for its own sake, but Skinamarink shows he can create a cinema of intellect and feeling out of the barest means possible. Skinamarink, like Eraserhead before it, will give its maker entrée into Hollywood on talent alone. Whether Mr. Ball can make the necessary compromises to be a force in commercial cinema remains to be seen.
India Song
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Michael Lonsdale and Delphine Seyrig |
The film is filled with enervating languor. The camera rarely moves, the film begins with a nearly five minute fixed shot of a sunset, and when the camera does, it is the slowest of pans. The film is supposedly set in Lahore in 1937. The action is limited to the interiors and grounds of the French embassy. There are only six characters and four of them are interchangeable. The nexus of the film is Seyrig, the wife of the counsel, who juggles four young lovers over the course of the movie. The odd man out is a disgraced vice-consul played by Michael Lonsdale. He gives the only touching performance in the film perhaps because the lifelong torch he held for the obdurate Seyrig is reflected in his character. Throughout the film, the heat of what was then India is stressed, as is the inability of the French to deal with it. The characters can only throw off their torpor at night to dance and listlessly make love. Rot is festering amongst the colonials, what one character calls a "leprosy of the heart". The vice-consul eventually flips out and starts taking pot shots, offscreen of course, at random lepers.
A good deal of the visual set-ups, like the one above, involve a full length mirror. This is apt for what is essentially a memory play. India Song indeed did begin its genesis as a play. The mirror gives us a more than one view of a scene, as do the offscreen narrators. What we see on the screen and in the mirror reflect the past, the lived moments of the present, and the future memories of those lived moments: all at once. However, India Song is so overloaded with distancing techniques and clutter that it is as suffocating as the lives of its character. The film is color coded and uses music to comment on the West's appropriation and incomprehension of the Far East. All valid artistic strategies, but ones that are guaranteed to banish fun from the chateau. Speaking of which, India Song was shot entirely in France. The exteriors and most of the interiors were filmed at the disused Chateau Rothschild. This gives the film an added layer of artificiality for both good and ill. It makes the characters seem like hothouse flowers, but destroys any sense of the characters living in and for the moment.
There is much to chew on in India Song, but I can't swallow everything. A good point of comparison is another art film from 1975 starring Delphine Seyrig, Chantal Akerman's Jeanne Dielman.... Seyrig's performance in that film is a titanic one, the base on which the film's edifice sits. It is a very lived in performance, we feel the monotony of Jeanne scrubbing the tub and other aspects of her daily routine. The point of the monotony is to help us empathize with Jeanne's plight and understand why she breaks. Seyrig could be anybody in India Song, she is not really a specific character, because she is a meat puppet, albeit a delectable one, in Duras' symbolic strategy. India Song has lots of interesting ideas, but very few are expressed by the camera. I suspect Duras, like Norman Mailer, will be remembered as a fitfully interesting filmmaker whose true métier was literature.
Happiness (1935)
Aleksandr Medvedkin's Happiness is a rural slapstick comedy that has the distinction of being the last silent feature made in the Soviet Union. This 1935 film stars Pyotr Zinovyev as Khmyr, a hapless farmer who can't seem to make a go of it whether he is under Imperial or Communist rule. Under the Tsar, Khmyr is beset by the usual Communist bogeymen: the aristocracy, the kulaks, the military, and the clergy. Whatever bounty he harvests is picked at by these vultures of society and Khmyr and his wife barely subsist. Things do not improve for him after the revolution despite the presence of tractors and a cadre of helpful Party members. Rejected by his long suffering missus, Khmyr descends into despair, but fate intervenes. He spies a disgruntled Kulak committing arson and saves the day, finally acknowledged by all as a valuable comrade in the struggle to achieve a more perfect Soviet farm collective.
Luckily for the viewer, Medvedkin seems to take nothing, not even Stalin's agricultural policy, too seriously. Where in 1929's The General Line a tractor ballet was featured, in Happiness the viewer is treated to a tractor running amok. There are plenty of pratfalls, visual gags, and an array of surrealistic moments: nuns wear see through blouses, soldiers wear identical masks, and dumplings fly. The tone is more absurdist than Marxist. Medvedkin's style is out of date for the period, but charmingly so. Medvedkin was profiled in Chris Marker's 1992 film, The Last Bolshevik. Happiness is streaming on Kanopy and is recommended to fans of Soviet cinema, slapstick, and Surrealism.
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Diane Kruger and Liam Neeson in Marlowe |
Asteroid City
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Staying within the frame: Scarlett Johansson and Jason Schwartzman in Asteroid City |
Wes Anderson's Asteroid City may not be in the upper echelon of Anderson's work, but few other films released in 2023 are as rewarding visually. Easily dismissed as twee and artificial, certainly I have dismissed his lesser films as such, Anderson's films always offer up enough references and Easter eggs to keep a passel of PHD candidates busy into the next century. Asteroid City is no exception, pivoting back and forth from color to black and white. The black and white sections are focused on the fictional play that is the basis for the film we see in the color sections. The black and white sections are in the 4:3 aspect ratio and resemble television's Playhouse 90 or The Twilight Zone with Bryan Cranston filling in for Rod Serling as our host. The color segments are in widescreen with vivid pastel colors. The décor is full of Populuxe furniture and gadgets. As in all of Anderson's later films, we have departed from the mode of realism.
I can't say I was emotionally involved in the film or that it provoked any loud chortles, but I was reasonably engaged and amused. Part of people's problems with Anderson, along with willingness to eschew the canons of realism, stems from his use of large ensemble casts. This approach does not involve audiences emotionally into his films. It is no accident that his two best films, Rushmore and The Grand Budapest Hotel, focus more narrowly on would be lovers and or mentors. There are so many characters in Asteroid City it is hard enough to keep track of them, much less empathize with them. Anderson's tendency of late to base his characters on famous figures also produces a distancing effect. We see up on the screen variations on Marilyn Monroe, Robert Capa, Tennessee Williams, and Elia Kazan. The character don't seem to really exist in the actual fifties, but in a mythopoetic evocation of that era. The characters themselves are mythic figures like the ones immortalized by Greek myths and in Astrology, and Astronomy. It is no quirk or accident that the three daughters of one of the principal characters are named Pandora, Andromeda, and Cassiopeia. Anderson does not seek to make his characters real, to him they serve as symbolic guideposts whether they are arranged amongst the stars or shining on the silver screen.
Asteroid City, as usual for Anderson, boasts an impressive array of performances. Thesps obviously die to work for the man. not for the money, but for good dialogue and sense of creative bonhomie. Anderson lets some of his old hands do whatever they want as long as they stay in their space within the frame. It is telling that Anderson helped manage as many interesting performances from his rookies as his veterans. I especially enjoyed Scarlett Johansson, Jason Schwartzman, Maya Hawke, Rupert Friend, Adrien Brody, Sophia Lillis, and Jake Ryan. Beneath its sherbet colored visage and its wacky UFO cover story, Asteroid City touches upon serious themes. It explores the split between Science and Religion in the US which has only become more pronounced since the 1950s. The film also opens up a can of worms about how historical representation, modulated by different stylistic modes for different effects, operates in the cinema. That is the topic for a book, but it indicates why Asteroid City, alone upon 2023 American commercial releases thus far, merits a second viewing.
Book Review: Fun City Cinema by Jason Bailey
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The final image of Gangs of New York |
Jason Bailey's Fun City Cinema: New York City and the Films That Made It is a superior coffee table tome. Bailey takes a decade by decade look at the films that have used New York City as a backdrop or a main character and at the socio-political forces that have shaped and changed the city. He primarily focuses on one film, like King Kong or Taxi Driver, that was emblematic of the way the motion picture industry utilized the city in that decade. He also focuses on other significant films of each decade using sidebars. The large book format limits Bailey's scope, but this is an unusually well researched and thoughtful book of its type. I particularly enjoyed Bailey's sketches of the colorful parade of mayors that have represented the city from Jimmy Walker to Bill de Blasio. A worthy gift item for lovers of film and or Gotham.
The Founder
I had avoided John Lee Hancock's The Founder, from 2016, because I hadn't particularly liked any of the other features he had directed, but I was pleasantly surprised. The flick, a biopic of McDonald's "founder" Ray Kroc, is a slice of Americana suited both to Hancock's rather narrow vision and Michael Keaton's talents. Keaton plays Kroc and his gift for high energy patter makes him a snug fit as the hard charging salesman. Keaton even shows he has some vocal chops as he serenades along to "Pennies from Heaven" with Linda Cardellini as the woman who became Kroc's third wife, Joan.
Robert Siegel's script planes off some of the abrasive edges of Kroc's personality. One wife and a child are eliminated from Kroc's curriculum vitae. Kroc's hornswoggling of the McDonald brothers is included, but the film is largely a celebration rather than a critique of capitalism. Hancock's view of America in the fifties is overly sunny, abetted by Michael Corenblith's adept production design, and confirms his status as a right winger; in Hollywood terms at least. The distaff side of things is neglected. Laura Dern has little to do except look glum as Kroc's neglected first wife. However, the film features a host of good performances from its supporting actors: Nick Offerman, John Carroll Lynch, B.J. Novak, and Patrick Wilson. They are all superbly cast and provide some much needed texture to a formulaic flick. All in all, this is easily Hancock's best film.
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